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• Carefully prepared by a renowned team of writers, scholars and artists

• Includes more than 100 of the best-loved Bible stories

• Maps, photographs of archaeological artifacts and art, together with captions and detailed drawings add important background information

• Features short quotations of Biblical text throughout

• Beautifully designed
with color illustrations
on every page

• Includes a Who's Who In the Bible reference section


La Biblia Juvenil Ilustrada




Trim Size:
8” x 10 1/2”
(20.3 x 26.6 cm)
320 pages

Enamel paper
Full color throughout

Hard cover edition
ISBN 1-58087-008-0
Stampley code 0278
18 per carton
List $24.95
Currently out of stock

La Biblia Juvenil Ilustrada

Presenting an all new, fully illustrated edition of the greatest book of all time. Carefully prepared by a brilliant team of writers, scholars and artists, La Biblia Juvenil Ilustrada brings to life the magnificent stories of the Old and New Testaments.

This beautiful full-color volume includes architectural drawings, maps, reproductions of artifacts and works of art which give background information to help understand the stories in their historical context. Descriptive, realistic watercolor illustrations rendered in a classic style by italian artist Francesca D'Ottavi are sure to captivate readers ages 8 to 80.

Bible stories are presented in a lively, easy-to-read narrative while providing a concise non-sectarian version of more than 100 favorite Bible stories.

La Biblia Juvenil Ilustrada is a fabulous Bible story book, a source of inspiration for children and adults, and a great gift for any occasion.

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