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• 12 individual titles cover a wide variety of topics

• Integrated design of text, photographs and illustrations attract reader interest

• A Quiz Corner in
every chapter, challenges the reader to learn the material

• Each title contains cross- references, a glossary, and an index

Launch Pad Library I


Trim size:
9 x 10 3/4”
(22.9 x 27.3 cm)

32 pages Hard cover

Single books: 50 per carton

Sets: 8 per carton

My Amazing Body
ISBN 0-915741-78-4
Stampley code T111
List $11.95

Our Wonderful Earth
ISBN 0-915741-77-6
Stampley code T112
List $11.95

Ocean World
ISBN 0-915741-81-4
Stampley code T113
List $11.95

Traveling on Land
ISBN 0-915741-80-6
Stampley code T114
List $11.95

World of the Rainforest
ISBN 0-915741-79-2
Stampley code T115
List $11.95

Ancient Peoples
ISBN 0-915741-82-2
Stampley code T116
List $11.95
Currently out of stock

All Six Volumes of Set 1
Stampley code T110
List $59.95

Looking at Space
ISBN 1-58087-000-7
Stampley code T121
List $11.95

Polar Regions
ISBN 1-58087-004-x
Stampley code T122
List $11.95

Animal Homes
ISBN 1-58087-002-3
Stampley code T123
List $11.95

World of Plants
ISBN 1-58087-003-1
Stampley code T124
List $11.95

Traveling on Water
ISBN 1-58087-001-5
Stampley code T125
List $11.95

Celebrations and Festivals
ISBN 1-58087-005-8
Stampley code T126
List $11.95

All Six Volumes of Set 2
Stampley code T120
List $59.95


LAUNCH PAD LIBRARY makes learning fun! This very colorful, carefully researched reference set is designed to challenge, amaze and teach.


RedLaunchPadEach title provides a thorough, visually exciting introduction to an essential topic. Quiz questions direct children to search out
information on each page. These twelve volumes are a comprehensive first library for young readers, ages 6-12, and are ideal for use at home and school.


Launch Pad Library II




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