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• Authored by Ruth
Bowdoin, nationally known child education specialist

• Winner of the U.S.
Dept. of Education’s Pacesetter Award

• A complete guide to
parenting children from infancy to adolescence

• Three separate titles,
each covering a different age range

• Text in Spanish


Spanish Bowdoin Method


Trim size:
8 1/4” x 10 3/4”
(20.1 x 27.3 cm)
Hardcover binding

ISBN 0-915741-49-0
Stampley code 0254
96 pages
1 volume
36 copies per carton
List $12.50

ISBN 0-915741-32-6
Stampley code 0253
320 total pages
3 volumes
10 sets per carton
List $32.50

ISBN 1-58087-014-7
Stampley code 0258
302 total pages
2 volumes
10 sets per carton
List $27.50

(The Bowdoin Method)

A practical child-rearing guide for today’s Latino family

Parents are their children’s first and most important teachers. All parents want their children to succeed, but oftentimes they lack the essential parenting skills which lead a child to develop fully. Fulfilling the vital role of teacher and guide is made much easier through use of El Método Bowdoin. This step-by-step program provides parents with information – what to do now to promote intellectual development and to prepare children for success in life.

El Método Bowdoin includes three separate titles which provide child-rearing guidance for three specific developmental stages – infancy, early childhood, and late childhood and adolescence. Each title serves as a stand-alone guide. Together they provide a complete program for parents. Consistently high levels of achievement by Bowdoin children at all ages and academic stages demonstrate the Method’s effectiveness.

  1. Su Bebe Les Habla (Your Baby Talks to You, 1 vol.) – For new parents. An indispensable guide to understanding and aiding your baby’s mental, physical, social, and emotional development.
  2. Los Padres Son Maestros (Parents are Teachers, 3 vol.) – Did you know that up to 50% of the development of human intelligence takes place before age 4, and another 30% by age 8? This important title aids parents in preparing their children for success in school. Practical, easy to use, and proven to work!
  3. En Equipo Con Su Hijo (On Your Child’s Team, 2 vol.) – Adolescents present parents with a different set of challenges. Here is proven advice on behavioral, academic and social issues and much more!

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