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• Four distinctive
editions, each with the classic Reina-Valera text

• Scriptural references
appear within the text

• The perfect Bible for
daily scripture study at home and church.



Spanish Study Bibles


Trim size:
5 1/4” x 8” (13.3 x 20.3 cm)

ISBN 1-58087-117-8
Stampley code 0201
Black padded hardcover, ribbon
24 per carton – List $9.95

ISBN 1-58087-119-4
Stampley code 0216
White padded hardcover
gilded (silver), ribbon
24 per carton – List $14.95

Editions with study helps

ISBN 1-58087-118-6
Stampley Code 0211
Blue padded hardcover, Metcalf study helps, ribbon
24 per carton – List $11.95

ISBN 1-58087-120-8
Stampley code 0221
Red padded hardcover, Metcalf study helps, ribbon
24 per carton – List $11.95
Currently out of stock

Biblias de Estudio
(Study Bibles)

Presenting a complete line of Reina-Valera Study Bibles in a variety of binding styles and colors. These Bibles come in an easy-to-manage size and are perfect for daily reading and devotions.

The 1909 Reina-Valera text used in these Bibles was carefully updated in 1979 to make it more easily understood. Scholars accomplished this work in areas such as punctuation and spelling, while maintaining the true flavor and style of the classic text. These editions are ideal for those who prefer the more traditional Reina-Valera text, in an updated version.

Stampley is pleased to present a brand new typesetting in the Bibles code
number 0201, 0211, 0221 and 0215.

Codes 0211 and 0221 include Bible study helps specially designed for use with the traditional Reina-Valera text. Titled “El Maravilloso Plan de Dios” these helps provide scriptural answers to more than 600 questions covering a wide variety of topics.

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